




文章内容:Since you want to cultivate the legendary soul of the devil, it is your duty to protect the people of Li people and cast down demons and eliminate demons. There is a long way to go. In the future, when you practice the clone, the Heavenly Lord, the 今日最新刚开sfcq手游版本私服网站传奇私服装备花屏补丁手游Dharma God, and the post-holy warriors will give you a lot of help. The wounded legendary hero of the killing god has been treated by me and has generally recovered. The永恒传奇私服手游 newly recruited heroes also happened to be resting on my side. They have all heard about you and are very willing to follow you , now is the time to let these heroes go to the legendary Marfa continent of the killing demon version. Yuanshen clone is a magical spell handed down on the Seven Star Legend Continent, with infinite power. A person who has cultivated the avatar of the legendary primordial spirit of the killing god version, will be invincible by destroying demons and demons. But is to practice the art of primordial avatar, but you have to pass many tests. You can go to practice until the Korean version of the legendary 40, bring the essence of stars and then come to me to ask more things. You can also draw fireworks for the 9th Anniversary 1 Ingot to exchange for Spirit Gathering Orb and Inner Strength Orb. The mysterious and dangerous place of killing gods and demons has recently become the focus of people's discussion on the Marfa continent.。



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